Wolverine Vari Grind 1/2″-1 1/8″
 The Wolverine Vari-Grind will properly shape and maintain the edge on standard bowl gouges, the modern side grind (also known as the Ellsworth grind, Liam O’Neil, or Irish grind), and the traditional fingernail shape for spindle work detailing. ONEWAY has spent considerable time and effort to develop a system which will consistently produce sharp, repeatable geometries on turning tools for the wood turner.
Three tools that are very popular and useful are the fingernail shape, the traditional bowl gouge and the side grind configurations. These shapes however are difficult both to grind and to maintain.
This single jig will produce every shape from the first mentioned fingernail grind right up to the side grind and everything in between to suit your needs.
While attending many wood shows, symposiums, and seminars, designers at ONEWAY recognized that the side or long grind on deep fluted bowl gouges (also called the Ellsworth, Irish or Liam O’Neil grind) has become very popular. This shape is superb for rapid hollowing, is useful on the outside of bowls, and is suitable for some spindle work. Once you learn how to use it, it will become one of your favorite grinds.
To sharpen the tool, the end of the Vari-Grind is placed into the pocket of the Vee-Arm of the WOLVERINE Grinding Jig. This allows the proper bevel to be set, and provides a steady and reliable means of grinding tools.
This ONEWAY Attachment not only allows you to get complete control of your grind, but you can easily duplicate the same grind. The results are cleaner cuts, and tools that are safer, more predictable and that last longer.
By purchasing this ONEWAY Attachment, you can dramatically reduce the difficulty of producing these grinds.