Disston No 7 Crosscut 10ppi Made for E.O. Noyes Hardware — Freshly Sharpened
This is an unusual saw. While technically a Disston No 7, it has an apple handle from a Disston No 9 and a highly polished plate. It was without a doubt a special order for a customer of E.O. Noyes Hardware of Brockton, Mass. The plate displays etches for Disston and the hardware store. While the handle was not removed during cleaning (due to risk of damage around the screws), it appears to be original. Note, too, that it has a Warranted Superior medallion, another indication of it being produced for a hardware firm.
The 10ppi crosscut teeth are freshly sharpened:
Tooth Type: crosscut
Rake Angle: 15º
Fleam Angle: 15º
Slope Angle: 0º
Tooth Set: 0.006″