Geo H. Bishop No 16 Fine-Toothed Crosscut Saw 14ppi — Freshly Sharpened
These certainly don’t come along every day. While the factories produced hand saws up to 12ppi on a regular basis, this particular saw was made with 14ppi crosscut teeth. Probably a special order for a cabinet maker. This is a true 14ppi saw, as marked at the heel.
To add to the desirability, this is a Bishop No 16, which was targeted to compete against Disston’s similarly numbered No 16. It has a highly-polished plate with an elaborate etch. The apple wood handle is well-shaped and decorated with wheat carving. There are no cracks or chips in this nearly pristine handle. The only apology is the dollop of blue paint applied by a previous owner.
The 14ppi crosscut teeth have been freshly sharpened:
Tooth Type: crosscut
Rake Angle: 15º
Fleam Angle: 20º
Slope Angle: 0º
Tooth Set: 0.004″